Geological-exploratory works
Scientific – Technological Centre (NTC) develops its activity and offers geological and geophysical services, both within regional exploration aimed to discovering new reservoirs of oil and gas, and within the development of the existing reservoirs.
Highly qualified experts of geological and geophysical education, with the experience in projects in Europe and wider, deal with the designing of geophysical research, interpretation of drilling results, geophysical testing and the laboratory analyses of rocks and reservoir fluids, designing regional programs for the exploration of oil and gas reservoirs, geological modelling of sediment basins to the end of estimating hydrocarbon resources, designing the programs of geological works and oil and gas reservoir development, geological modelling of oil and gas reservoirs, with the aim to assess recoverable reserves of oil and gas.

Main business activities
- Designing geophysical tests
- Supervision over the geo-physical testing
- Geophysical data processing
- Complex analysis and interpretation of geophysical data
- Examination of the condition of underground pipelines
- Creation and implementation of project for the use of geo-physical method in the area of environmental protection
- Scientific research projects
- Several tenths of 2D/3D seismic testing projects at the area of Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Romania;
- More than 40,000 km of 2D and more than 9,000 km of processed 3D seismic data.
- Seismic data processing: western Siberia, Romania, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Algeria, Iraq, UAE, Tanzania
- Geo-electrical testing in the area of Pančevo Refinery, Novi Sad Refinery and petrol stations for the purpose of defining soil and groundwater pollution by oil and oil derivatives with proposed measures and activities for remediation;
- Several tenths of reports on the state of underground projects.

Exploration geology
Main business activities
- Formation of the base of wellbore, geophysical and geological data on oil and gas reservoirs;
- Complex analysis and interpretation of geological composition of exploratory area, within which oil and gas reservoirs are located;
- Correlation of wellbore, laboratory, geophysical and production data;
- Seismological-geological interpretation of 2D/3D seismic data;
- 3D geological modelling of oil and gas reservoirs;
- Assessment of geological reserves of oil and gas in reservoirs;
- Preparation of the Paper on oil and gas reserves in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Serbia;
- Preparation of the geological basis for Reservoir Development Studies, Major Mining Projects and Feasibility Studies;
- Follow-up of deep contour-exploratory and development drilling for the purpose of updating existing geological models of oil and gas reservoirs;
- Scientific-research activities.
- The Study of regional geological model and the assessment of the perspective of Pannonian Basin oil and gas
- Detailed 3D modelling within sites that are on the exploratory are of NIS, and planned for drilling and their verification within the Study of regional geological model and the assessment of the perspective of Pannonian Basin oil and gas
- Project of the assessment of hydrocarbon potential of Eastern Herzegovina
- Project for the development of petroleum-geological research in the foothills of the Neogene complex of the Pannonian Basin and the Carpatho-Balkanides and Dinarides of Serbia and the Republic of Srpska
- Project for the assessment of the regional hydrothermal potential of Vojvodina
- The project of detailed geological investigations of hydrocarbons in the territory of the Republic of Srpska
- Study on the geothermal resource of Serbia
- Classification of amplitude anomalies in the interval of the seismic display that corresponds to the Pont-Pliocene sedimentary complex, in order to develop criteria for the exploration of gas reservoirs, and in order to increase the efficiency of GIR
- Actualization of the regional model of the Achimov strata of Western Siberia
- Project for the development of petroleum-geological research in the foundation and Neogene complex of the Szeged and Tomnatek depressions.

Exploratory geology
Main business activities
- Formation of the base of wellbore, geophysical and geological data on oil and gas reservoirs;
- Complex analysis and interpretation of geological composition of exploratory area, within which oil and gas reservoirs are located;
- Correlation of wellbore, laboratory, geophysical and production data;
- Correlation of wellbore, laboratory, geophysical and production data;
- 3D geological modelling of oil and gas reservoirs;
- Assessment of geological reserves of oil and gas in reservoirs;
- Preparation of the Paper on oil and gas reserves in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Serbia;
- Preparation of the geological basis for Reservoir Development Studies, Major Mining Projects and Feasibility Studies;
- Follow-up of deep contour-exploratory and development drilling for the purpose of updating existing geological models of oil and gas reservoirs;
- Scientific-research activities.
- Reports on oil and gas reserves of all reservoirs on the territory of the Republic of Serbia;
- Deep dive projects and 3D geological models of all the most important oil and gas fields in Serbia (Velebit, Kikinda, Mokrin, Turija, etc.);
- 2D and 3D geological models of reservoirs in Romania, Pannonian Basin, blocks Ex-2, Ex-3, Ex-7, Ex-8, Ex-12;
- Geological interpretations and 3D geological modelling of deposits in several oil and gas fields on the territory of Russia (fields: West Siberian Basin, Maloyamalskoye, Poselkovoe, Blizhne-Novoportovskoe, Harasavey-Bovangenkovskoe, Articheskoe, Neitinskoe, Tazovskoe, Priobskoe, Peskovoe, Boljshaya Achymovka, Rostovtsevskoe, investigation areas: Zapadno-Zimniy, Severo-Vaiskiy, etc.);
- Expertise of 3D geological models of reservoirs in the offshore Palanca, Pacassa and Buffalo fields in Angola.

Main business activities
- Creation of petrophysical models in accordance with logging measurements, laboratory analyses on cored material and other well data;
- Qualitative and quantitative petrophysical interpretation of conventional and special methods of geophysical logging in clastic, carbonate and fractured formations;
- Analysis and interpretation of geophysical logging measured in vertical and horizontal boreholes;
- Planning the optimal program of basic and special laboratory analyses on cored samples;
- Monitoring and analysis of the results of the laboratory testing of cores;
- Locating and evaluating petrophysical properties of fractured zones;
- Assessment of geological and petrophysical properties of thin-layered formations;
- Assessment of the quality of the cement lining of the casing;
- Analysis and interpretation of logging methods for production and flow analysis in uncased wells;
- Planning the optimal program of geomechanical laboratory analyses;
- Geomechanical analysis of well stability, modelling and the proposal of hydraulic fracturing plan.
- Elaboration of studies on oil and gas reserves of the NIS company in Serbia;
- Preparation of development studies on oil and gas field of NIS company in: Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Romania and Hungary. More than 30 papers for the period 2014-2022;
- Support for the interpretation of geological-geophysical data on the territory of Serbia, Romania and Hungary;
- Implementation of external projects done by: GPN company in Western Siberia, NIS Company in Angola, etc.