laboratory tests upstream

Laboratory analysis

The Upstream laboratory has been present on the market for more than 60 years. Accredited for rock, oil, natural gas, layer, underground, surface, thermomineral and waste water testing. The competence of the Laboratory’s highly skilled staff is confirmed through continuous improvement and training and supervisory visits by the Accreditation Body of Serbia.

The current scope of accreditation is available here: Scope of Accreditation.

The laboratory has more than 430 units of laboratory equipment and the fund of historic cores of 30 km.

To request or inquire about services please email to and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

laboratorija upstream

Main activities


Rock analysis


Preparation of rock material and analysis


Fluid analysis


Water analysis and environmental monitoring

Projects and scientific research work

  • The examination of the increase in the coefficient of oil recovery by polymer injection (a project implemented for the needs of the NIS company);
  • The examination of the coefficient of change in the effective permeability to oil and water of core samples after treatment with organic solvents, acid composition and insulating gel (project implemented for the needs of the NIS company);
  • Pilot project of the application of phase modifier to changes in petrophysical characteristics before and after the injection of inhibitor (project implemented for the needs of the NIS company);
  • Routine and special rock analyses of the Shakal field (the project implemented for the needs of Gazpromneft Middle-East, Iraq);
  • Corrosion and scale inhibitor testing Gazpromneft Zapolyare, Russian Federation.
laboratorijske boce