Execution of drilling operations
The Well Design Center designs wells of various constructions, including deep wells and wells with high temperatures, applying the latest design and scientific research achievements in the field of drilling. Also, the team of The Well Design Center makes the selection of equipment for well completion, using methods that enable efficient and safe production of formation fluids.
Our team has experienced and qualified personnel who regularly undergo professional training.
The “Landmark Engineer’s Desktop™ (EDT™) Software” platform is used when creating projects, engineering calculations and making project solutions.
Our references:
- Work experience in the Balkan region and EU countries
- More than 100 documents per year for drilling and completion
- Professional support during the operations as well as training in the field of drilling and completion

Drilling design team for domestic and foreign markets
Main activities :
- Designing exploratory, directional wells and the wells with high pressure and temperature;
- Wells for water supply to maintain formation pressure;
- Artesian wells for drinking and technical water supply;
- Geothermal wells;
- Projects for Re-entry channel drilling on old wells;
- Production of small-diameter “Slim Hole” wells with mobile drilling rigs;
- Preparation of drilling programs for the needs of foreign oil companies;
- Providing technical support to clients during the preparation of tender documentation and selection of service companies;
- Making comments during well drilling;
- Providing the necessary engineering recommendations;
- Analysis of problems during drilling;
- Making recommendations for preventing accidents;
- Entering the necessary corrections in the project documentation based on the experience of drilling wells with similar conditions.

Tim for equipment design and well testing
Main activities :
- Designs well completion using methods that enable efficient and safe production of reservoir fluids;
- Selects the equipment that ensures optimal communication between the reservoir and the well;
- Selects the production tubing that is in direct dependence with the designed exploitation string;
- When designing, it strives for maximum production values while reducing prices during the entire life of wells’ exploitation;
- In its work, combines several scientific disciplines such as physics, chemistry, mathematics, engineering, geology, hydraulics, technology of materials, which unify the practical field experience and the know-how.

- Work experience in the Balkan region and the EU countries.
- The preparation of more than 60 project documents for well construction per year.
- Provision of design supervision and professional support.
- Experience in developing projects for drilling in complex geological conditions (Temperature > 200°C, Pressure > 650atm, depth > 4,000 meters).