Professors and students of the fourth year of Industrial Engineering Department of the Faculty of Technical Sciences visited the Science and Technology Centre and on that occasion got acquainted with the application of new technologies in production processes.
During professional and interesting lectures, prepared by colleagues senior product manager Maksim Pilipenko, leader of the elaboration discipline Ivan Al-Jaburi, leader of the geology discipline Darko Popovicki, product manager for new technologies Svetlana Šešum, specialist for digital projects Vladimir Mihajlović and head of the Database Group Dejan Mirković, the guests had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the tools used to create 3D geological models of oil and gas deposits, with geological research methods, with a portfolio of digital projects and with the application of machine learning and virtual reality in the oil industry.
Guests from the Faculty of Technical Sciences had the opportunity to visit the Upstream Laboratory and learn about the processes involved in testing cores, rocks, oil, gas and water.
- Visits like give us an opportunity to bring the activities of the Science and Technology Centre closer to educational institutions, which are our potential partners on certain projects, and to get to know the way of work of potential future colleagues, for whom this insight into the practical application of what they learn theoretically during their studies means a lot - Maksim Pilipenko pointed out.
The guests did not hide their satisfaction with the host's reception and the expertise shown by colleagues from the Science and Technology Centre.
- Through the presented presentations and laboratory facilities, one can see the great dedication of the employees in the application of modern equipment, software and methods for solving different situations - said Professor Aco Antić, Ph.D., noting that the benefits of potential cooperation are in the exchange of experience in finding and applying new methods in specific researches.
Professor Milovan Lazarević, as the main impression from the visit, emphasized the thoroughness of the approach to research, responsibility and results that are then used in practice during the exploitation of oil wells and noted that such an approach can also be a good guide for them in their research.
- The impression is that the knowledge of study programs in industrial engineering, mechanical engineering, mechatronics and engineering management coincides to a good extent with the processes dealt with by NIS. "Mining" through "data" and what can be achieved by combining them, what kind of savings can be made, what can be discovered - all this could be seen during the visit. We heard a lot of new information. The information related to digitalization, mapping, as well as the calculations that are made, point in a very concrete way to the importance of digitalization and the need for our future engineers to be sufficiently trained for the transition to an ever-increasing scope of digitalization in the most diverse areas of work and research - said Professor Lazarević.
Colleague Svetlana Šešum, who presented the application of machine learning, pointed out that actually the discussion is the biggest benefit of such events, because in this way potential solutions are viewed from a different angle and new approaches are accepted.
To our mutual satisfaction, we look forward to further communication and potential joint projects.