
Rocks as an inexhaustible source of information for…

Can you imagine a time without fertile plains and their surroundings? A world where the fertile Pannonian Plain was covered by an ice-bound steppe really…
Laboratory services

What is the role of a crystallographer in…

We have all heard of crystals, but did you know that our company has a crystallographer, Irena Petrović Prelević? She is the chief specialist in…
Laboratory services

Bizlife magazine on our colleague Natasha Badrljica: Fuel…

Her love for chemistry and her studies at the Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy shaped her career path, which led her from the role of…
laboratorijska ispitivanja
Laboratory services

Quality control of oil from the well to…

Crude oil is the starting raw material for refinery processing and its physicochemical characteristics define which petroleum products will be produced in refinery plants. In…
zena sa vr naocarima
New technologies

How virtual reality is applied in the Science…

3D geological and infrastructure objects Have you ever imagined what it’s like to parachute? Have you ever wished to teleport to a distant land? Take…

Digital projects of STC

Data is the new oil When it comes to data and its exponential growth in the 21st century, the saying “data is the new oil”…